How Does Senna Work

How Does Senna Work its Cleansing Benefits?

Discover how senna works its gut-cleansing magic, promoting digestive health and relieving constipation naturally with this powerful herbal remedy.


If you're looking for a way to feel refreshed and renewed, senna leaves might be the answer. But exactly how does senna work? Let's take a closer look. 

Imagine your colon as a sluggish river. Senna acts like a gentle nudge, stimulating the flowand encouraging movement to get things flowing more smoothly again. 

The Science Behind Senna

Senna works by encouraging your intestines to move stool along more efficiently, ultimately leading to a bowel movement.  

Senna leaves contain compounds called sennosides. These sennosides act on your colon, the last part of your large intestine. 

How to Take Senna?

Senna offers multiple options for convenient use. It comes in various forms like liquids, powders, granules, chewable pieces, and tablets, allowing you to choose the format that best suits your preference. The typical dosage involves taking it once or twice a day. 

Senna usually takes 6 to 12 hours to work. For this reason, taking it before bed can ensure a bowel movement the following day. 

  • Follow the Label: Always follow the directions on the product label carefully. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about your own use. . 
  • Different Forms, Different Methods: Senna comes in various forms like capsules, chewable tablets, dissolving strips, and liquids. Each form has a specific way to take it. 
  • Chewable Tablets: Chew each tablet thoroughly before swallowing. 
  • Capsules: Do not chew the capsules. Take them with food, and swallow them whole with the help of water. 
  • Dissolving Strips: Place the strip on your tongue and let it dissolve. You can swallow with or without water. 
  • Liquids: Use a special measuring device provided with the medication to ensure the correct dose. Don't use a regular spoon, as it might not be accurate. 
  • Dosage Matters: Do not use for more than the recommended dose or use it for longer than 7 days.  

Points to Consider

Your gut naturally eliminates waste products through bowel movements. Senna simply helps speed up this process.  

Here are some additional points to consider: 

  • Senna is not a magic bullet: While it can help with occasionally , it's not a long-term solution for gut health. 
  • Short-term use is recommended: Do not use senna for more than 7 consecutive days. For occasional use only.