Absolutely. The key ingredient in Hydroxycut is backed by two scientific studies that support its effectiveness, unlike other weight loss supplements that sell products containing a key weight loss ingredient with no research to show it works.

Hydroxycut is powered by a key weight loss driver (C. canephora robusta) that has been shown in two separate scientific studies to deliver great results. Subjects taking the key ingredient in Hydroxycut for 60 days lost an average of 10.95 lbs. versus the placebo group, which lost an average of 5.40 lbs. Both groups followed a low-calorie diet. In a separate 8-week study, subjects taking C. canephora robusta lost an average of 3.7 lbs. versus the placebo group, which lost 1.25 lbs. Both groups followed a calorie-reduced diet and performed moderate exercise.

Our success stories are living proof that Hydroxycut really works. Click here to see their amazing weight loss journeys. These are real people whose lives changed because they dedicated themselves to living an active lifestyle, eating right and adding in Hydroxycut.

Hydroxycut is America’s #1 Selling Weight Loss Supplement Brand♦♦. Over the past 20 years, more than 100 million bottles have been sold. Millions of people have chosen the Hydroxycut brand to help strive towards their goal of losing weight, and you can feel confident that Hydroxycut is the right weight loss product for you too!

♦♦Based on AC Nielsen xAOC sales data for Hydroxycut caplets. 
Based on sales of Hydroxycut-branded products 1995 to present.
